1  ………………clause may prescribe that it shall be inserted only into all bills of lading issued in connection with the charter-party that it shall cover the cargo liability under the charter party
 Cancelling clause
 Paramount clause
 War clause
 2  The side of an object or obstacle, such as a ship's sail, a mountain, or a hill, furthest away from the wind, and therefore, protected from the direct force of the wind. The opposite of windward is
 3  The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) is a methods
 Customs Clearance
 Chartering practice
 payment for international sales of goods
 4  The carrier performing the first line haul service of the movement. This carrier is responsible for preparing the waybill document and transmitting the information to any following carriers is called
 Common Carrier
 connecting carrier
 Billing Carrier
 5  An indemnity issued to the carrier by a bank; protects the carrier against any possible losses or damages arising from release of the merchandise to the receiving party. This instrument is usually issued when the bill of lading is lost or is not available is called
 Bank Guarantee
 Steamship Guarantee
 6  Ship’s articles can be removed into town for the purpose of repair without payment of duty subject to fulfillment of certain conditions is called
 White Pass Procedure
 Pink Pass Procedure
 7  Death and personal injury to crew, passengers,stevedores,pilots and visitors to the ship which occur onon board the vessel the owner’s liability is covered by
 Marine Insurance
 Protection & Indemnity club
 8  A contract between a shipper and an ocean carrier of conference, in which the shipper makes a commitment to provide a minimum quantity of cargo over a fixed time period is called
 Sales Contract
 Freight contract
 Service contract
 9  Each shipping line which provides a vessel to the Joint service is called
 Container Operator
 vessel operator
 Feeder operator
 10  A court having jurisdiction over maritime questions pertaining to ocean transport, including contracts, charters, collisions, and cargo damages is
 supreme Court
 Federal Court
 Admirality Court
 11  The officers of rummaging unit wear black colored dungarees while rummaging the ship are internationally known to crew of vessels
 Boarding officer
 Black Gang
 12  Charge for extended use of line’s/carrier’ equipment when a shipper/consignee or its agent removes a container from Carrier’s origin/destination container yard/terminal to the shipper’s/consignee’s place of business, and does not return the loaded/empty containers to the container yard/terminal or to another Carrier designated location with the permitted free time as stipulated by the line/carrier
 13  Important document contains a complete specification of the cargo loaded on board the vessel is called
 Boat Note
 Shipping Bill
 Cargo Manifest
 14  In India there are……………major ports
 15  Minimum Standards of Ship's agents prepared by
 16  As per…………….. requires shipping companies to have a licence to operate. Companies and their ships must undergo regular audits to ensure that a safety management system is in place, including adequate procedures and lines of communication between ships and their managers ashore
 17  A questionnaire database that helps all companies that are involved in petroleum transport find and use necessary information about the other companies that they deal with is called
 Ship-terminal report
 Terminal procedure
 18  In a Reefer Container,a recorder registers temperature on a pressure sensitive circular chart over a 31 day period. If the voyage transit is expected to exceed 31 days, care must be taken to ensure charts are replaced by a ship's engineer before expiry is called
 Temprature Recorder
 Parflow Recorder
 Voyage Data Recorder
 19  The steamer agents who are allowed to remove ship’s equipments for repair by executing a guarantee bond in the prescribed form is called
 White pass
 Port pass
 Pink pass
 20  A printed receipt at the out gate of a container terminal reflects the physical condition of the shipping container is called
 Equipement Interchange Receipt
 Dock Receipt
 Container delivery receipt