1  A plan shows ship’s particulars, registered dimensions, classification society, grain loading, Hull details, lifesaving equipment, windlass;mooring whinch, steering gear, radar, radio room, ventilation, domestic refrigeration if any, Fresh, Salt and Drinking water services, Co2 Fire extinquisher system, power cables, cargo gear, machinery particulars, cargo capacities, forecastle capacities, refrigerated capacities, deck loadings, heights, tank capacities, container summary is called
 Capacity Plan
 General arrangement Plan
 2  The document containing all particulars relating to the terms of agreement between the Master of the vessel and the crew is called
 work permit
 Shipping articles
 3  The time limit for commencing court or arbitration proceedings this limit applies to claims both by and against the carrier
 6 months
 one year
 two years
 4  Number allocated at the time of built or when a ship is first included in Lloyd’s Register of ships) is a permanent identification number which will remain unchanged upon transfer of flag
 Official Number
 IMO number
 Global Shipping Number
 5  The carrier performing the first line haul service of the movement. This carrier is responsible for preparing the waybill document and transmitting the information to any following carriers is called
 Common Carrier
 connecting carrier
 Billing Carrier
 6  In India there are……………major ports
 7  As per Indian Customs Act 1962, any shortlanding cargo penalty lies on
 Steamer Agents
 8  Ship’s articles can be removed into town for the purpose of repair without payment of duty subject to fulfillment of certain conditions is called
 White Pass Procedure
 Pink Pass Procedure
 9  Movement of ships without power of engine of the ship is called
 hot move
 Cold move
 10  The space not occupied by cargo in a cargo space, caused by spaces between packages and fittings in the ship such as pillars, ladders, stanchions, large angle brackets and beams is known as
 Stowage factor
 broken stowage
 11  A printed receipt at the out gate of a container terminal reflects the physical condition of the shipping container is called
 Equipement Interchange Receipt
 Dock Receipt
 Container delivery receipt
 12  Refers to a range or spread of days between which owners may present the vessel for loading
 13  A person specially employed by the owner of a cargo to take charge of the merchandise which has been shipped have complete control over the cargo, and everything which immediately concerns it, unless their authority is either expressly or impliedly restrained. Under certain circumstances, they are responsible for the cargo is called
 Master Mariner
 14  Where cargo is carried by an airline between two countries in neither of which it is based is called
 Flag Carrier
 Fifth Freedom Flight
 Free Carrier
 15  Rates applicable to certain classes of commodities. Usually these rates are applied to commodities that move in large volume shipments in a given market. Hence, this rates are usually lower than the general commodity rate between the same pair of cities is called
 Special Rate
 Specific Commodity Rate
 Negotiated rate
 16  The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) is a methods
 Customs Clearance
 Chartering practice
 payment for international sales of goods
 17  Hazardous Material under Class 7 is
 Radioactive Material
 General Hazardous Materials
 Flammable Liquids
 18  Death and personal injury to crew, passengers,stevedores,pilots and visitors to the ship which occur onon board the vessel the owner’s liability is covered by
 Marine Insurance
 Protection & Indemnity club
 19  India is a signatory to any of the International Conventions on ship arrest
 20  12500teu capacity container ships are called
 S class
 L class
 R class
 E class